Friday, 14 February 2014

Everyday Love

A poem by Jenny Holmes

Everyday Love

Let him sleep now.
Children, creep quietly upstairs.
I'll tell him goodnight from you later.
This morning he left for combat,
Not on some mane tossing stallion
Just the bus and the tube train.
We welcomed him home, battle weary
Restored him with family laughter
Our semi sham-turreted castle
Offering sanctuary.

This evening he slew, single handed,
With a stroke from his firm's printed ballpoint,
Those twin headed dragons that threatened
Electricity bill and the mortgage.
Now he rests, with the world's visor lifted.
Let me reach out to touch you
My everyday hero.

I have pressed your executive shirt,
And the crease in your trousers,
This modern age armour.
Tomorrow it's on with Life's tournament.
Come to bed love,
Together we'll pull up our drawbridge.

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